Introducing the New and Improved SNAPP APP

By January 18, 2019 May 2nd, 2019 News


We have made improvements to our Mobile App which contains the agenda, live updates while in New Orleans, & the opportunity to connect with fellow SNAPP Group members year-round!

       Directions for Android

  1. Navigate in your browser to
  2. Select the Android Icon
  3. Click “Get” button & download will begin
  4. Open the SNAPP App after download is complete
  5. Click on the New Orleans 2019 Banner
  6. Follow the prompts to create your profile

       Directions for iPhone or iPad

  1. Navigate to the App store or follow the link:
  2. Search for “SNAPP Group Events” & download
  3. Open the SNAPP App after download is complete
  4. Click “Allow” SNAPP Group to send you Notifications
  5. Click on the New Orleans 2019 Banner
  6. Follow the prompts to create your profile

Prizes Given on Day 3 of SNAPP New Orleans for Top Mobile App Super Users!

To be eligible for prizes, participants are asked to abide by the following contest rules:

Use the app in a meaningful way during non-meeting times by:

  • Posting pictures
  • Starting or commenting on member discussions
  • “Liking” other’s pictures & discussion comments
  • Rating speakers on the mobile app post-presentation
  • Kindly avoid app use during presentations out of respect to our speakers

SNAP photos & share at various SNAPP networking engagements listed below:

  • Wednesday night during the welcome reception at Pat O’s on the River
  • Thursday afternoon during free-time
  • Thursday evening during the trade-fair
  • Thursday evening at One-Eyed Jacks
  • Fully participating in the meeting by engaging in the networking opportunities above, turning in a completed passport book & being present for meeting close on Friday.